ملتقى طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك فيصل,جامعة الدمام

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إضافة رد
أدوات الموضوع إبحث في الموضوع
قديم 2014- 9- 28
الصورة الرمزية F!x
مشرفة سابقة
بيانات الطالب:
الكلية: جــــامعه الملك فيصـــل
الدراسة: انتساب
التخصص: English
المستوى: المستوى الثامن
بيانات الموضوع:
المشاهدات: 780
المشاركـات: 2
الملف الشخصي:
رقم العضوية : 84739
تاريخ التسجيل: Mon Sep 2011
المشاركات: 13,313
الـجنــس : أنـثـى
عدد الـنقـاط : 783512
مؤشر المستوى: 968
F!x has a reputation beyond reputeF!x has a reputation beyond reputeF!x has a reputation beyond reputeF!x has a reputation beyond reputeF!x has a reputation beyond reputeF!x has a reputation beyond reputeF!x has a reputation beyond reputeF!x has a reputation beyond reputeF!x has a reputation beyond reputeF!x has a reputation beyond reputeF!x has a reputation beyond repute
 الأوسمة و جوائز  بيانات الاتصال بالعضو  اخر مواضيع العضو
F!x غير متواجد حالياً
Would vs Will

Would vs Will

In English there is a significant difference between the uses of would and will. Knowing when to use the terms correctly is an important part of mastering the English language.

Will and would are both types of auxiliary verbs that are known as modal verbs. Other modal verbs include: could, shall, might, may, can, ought to and must. Modal verbs don’t really have any meaning on their own, but act as helpers to give further meaning to other verbs.

Will is used in future structures
Statement referring to the future – fact, timetable, etc.
- We’ll (= we will) have two extra lessons this afternoon.
- It will be Tuesday tomorrow.

- Their bus will leave at 7.30.

Instant decision
- The phone is ringing, I’ll go and answer it.
- What will you eat? I’ll have roast beef.

- Will you tell your father that we expect him for dinner?
- Will you copy this file and print it for yourself

Promise, offer, prediction
- I will always love you.
- Can’t you do your homework?
Don’t worry, I’ll come and help you.
- Don’t trust her, she will always tell you lies

Open condition
- We’ll go fishing at the weekend if the weather is good.


” has several functions. First, it functions as thepast tense of “will”.
Second, it functions as the conditional mood of “will”. Third, it is used to be polite. The
negative of would is “would not” or the contraction “wouldn’t” :

I would try to act like my father when I was young.
In this example “would” functions as the past tense of “will”.
I would get a tan if I worked at the pool.
In this example “would” functions as the conditional mood of “will”
Example: I would like more tea please.
In this example “would” is used to be polite.

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 2014- 9- 28   #2
الملف الشخصي:
رقم العضوية : 102451
تاريخ التسجيل: Sun Feb 2012
المشاركات: 24,145
الـجنــس : ذكــر
عدد الـنقـاط : 155799
مؤشر المستوى: 0
Khaled.k has a reputation beyond reputeKhaled.k has a reputation beyond reputeKhaled.k has a reputation beyond reputeKhaled.k has a reputation beyond reputeKhaled.k has a reputation beyond reputeKhaled.k has a reputation beyond reputeKhaled.k has a reputation beyond reputeKhaled.k has a reputation beyond reputeKhaled.k has a reputation beyond reputeKhaled.k has a reputation beyond reputeKhaled.k has a reputation beyond repute
بيانات الطالب:
الكلية: جامعة الدمام - كلية الآداب
الدراسة: انتساب
التخصص: دراسات اسلامية
المستوى: المستوى السادس
 الأوسمة و جوائز  بيانات الاتصال بالعضو  اخر مواضيع العضو
Khaled.k غير متواجد حالياً
رد: Would vs Will

يعطيك العافية
  رد مع اقتباس
قديم 2014- 9- 29   #3
مشرفة سابقة
الصورة الرمزية F!x
الملف الشخصي:
رقم العضوية : 84739
تاريخ التسجيل: Mon Sep 2011
المشاركات: 13,313
الـجنــس : أنـثـى
عدد الـنقـاط : 783512
مؤشر المستوى: 968
F!x has a reputation beyond reputeF!x has a reputation beyond reputeF!x has a reputation beyond reputeF!x has a reputation beyond reputeF!x has a reputation beyond reputeF!x has a reputation beyond reputeF!x has a reputation beyond reputeF!x has a reputation beyond reputeF!x has a reputation beyond reputeF!x has a reputation beyond reputeF!x has a reputation beyond repute
بيانات الطالب:
الكلية: جــــامعه الملك فيصـــل
الدراسة: انتساب
التخصص: English
المستوى: المستوى الثامن
 الأوسمة و جوائز  بيانات الاتصال بالعضو  اخر مواضيع العضو
F!x غير متواجد حالياً
رد: Would vs Will

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة khaled.k مشاهدة المشاركة
يعطيك العافية
اسعدني مرورك ,, الف الف شكر
  رد مع اقتباس
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