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ghubeer 2012- 5- 5 01:53 AM

تكملة حل الدكتور جمال للفكر والثقافة
Empiricism and The Enlightenment

Which scientist is credited with devising an inductive method of discovery? Francis Bacon

The phrase "wall of separation between the church and the state" was originally coined by who? Thomas Jefferson

Francis Bacon is considered by many to be the father of what?
The Scientific Method, Empiricism, modern science, the Enlighenment

Such empiricism denies that humans have ________ or that anything is knowable without reference to experience.

How does Locke distinguish between the identity conditions for a man and the identity of a person?
Man is the animal, the person is the self

Which form of government did Locke prefer? Representative democracy

Which form of government did Rousseau prefer?
Absolute democracy
What movement is Hume connected to?

Are the names of the works of Rousseau?
Émile; Julie, ou la Nouvelle Héloïse; The Social Contract,Confessions.

According to Jean-Jacques Russeau the clauses of the social contract can be reduced to one which is?
The total alienation of the individual in favor of the community.

What are the reasons for the beginning of the Enlightenment?
The discoveries of the Scientific Revolution changed how people thought

What are the reasons for the end of the Enlightenment?
Skepticism, The French and American Revolutions

The idea that all our knowledge is obtained by experiences is called what? Empiricism

The study of knowledge and justified belief is called what?

The American Revolution and The Declaration of Independence

What are the names of the members of the Committee of five? Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, Robert Livingston, and Roger Sherman.

Which member of the committee of five did NOT sign the Declaration of Independence? Robert Livingston

Which member of the Committee of Five wrote the first draft of the Declaration of Independence? Thomas Jefferson

What happened on July 4, 1776? The Continental Congress approved the final draft of the Declaration of Independence

What are the opening words of the Declaration of Independence? When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another,

What is the most famous line in the Declaration of Independence? We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal

In the conclusion to the Declaration of Independence, which powers are said to belong to the new United States of America?
they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do.

Where does the Declaration of Independence reside today?
The US National Archives in Washington DC.

Which event most directly led to the led to the Revolutionary War? The Boston Tea party.

Who said "give me liberty or give me death" and when did he say it? Patrick Henry in a speech to the Virginia Convention

Slavery, Civil War, Emancipation and Civil Rights
1.The document that announced the abolition of slavery in the United States is called what? The Emancipation Proclamation

2. Which month is Black History Month? February

3. Which president is famous for freeing the slaves? Abraham Lincoln

4. Who is known as the father of the Civil Rights movement? Frederick Douglas

5. What is the name of the document that announced the freedom of the slaves in the confederate states? The Emancipation Proclamation

6. What are the laws that enforced segregation known as? Jim Crow laws

7. What were the group of writers and thinkers who fought against slavery known as ? abolitionists

8. What is another name for African American Vernacular English? Ebonics

9. The struggle for African Americans to gain equal rights is called what?
The Civil Rights Movement
10. The influence of Rap music on society is called what?
Hip hop culture

Who or where is each quote from?

1. "Give me liberty or give me death." Patrick Henry speaking to the Virginia Assembly

2. "We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal."
The preamble to the Declaration of Independence

3. "No one has the right to kill an enemy except when he cannot make him a slave, and the right to enslave him cannot therefore be derived from the right to kill him."
Jean Jacques Rousseau

4. “"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door.”
Inscription on the Statue of Liberty

5. “When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another ...”
First line of the Declaration of Independence

Bonus (important): According to Bertrand Russell, the main motives for social cohesion are economics and war.

"wall of separation between the church and the state" was a phrase coined by Thomas Jefferson.

HassanMax 2012- 5- 5 02:41 AM

رد: تكملة حل الدكتور جمال للفكر والثقافة
يعطيك ربي الف عافية اخي ghubeer

حلم دمعه 2012- 5- 5 02:54 AM

رد: تكملة حل الدكتور جمال للفكر والثقافة
:106::wink: يعطيك العافيه خيو
ربي يوفقك ان شاءالله

ghubeer 2012- 5- 5 09:41 AM

رد: تكملة حل الدكتور جمال للفكر والثقافة
ويعافيكم ويوفقكم بي

ghubeer 2012- 5- 5 09:42 AM

رد: تكملة حل الدكتور جمال للفكر والثقافة
يعافيكم ويوفقكم ربي

لمسات الأمل 2012- 5- 5 05:04 PM

رد: تكملة حل الدكتور جمال للفكر والثقافة
ربي يبارك فيك وفي جهودك القيمة

ويوفقك دنيا واخره

ghubeer 2012- 5- 6 04:13 AM

رد: تكملة حل الدكتور جمال للفكر والثقافة
الله يجزاك خير اختي

Saudi Girl 2012- 5- 6 07:54 AM

رد: تكملة حل الدكتور جمال للفكر والثقافة
هذا الحل من الدكتور ...؟؟؟ وين ومتى !!

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